Tags: 'domestic support in OECD countries: US$ 400 billion/ 75% to producers',
'US/EU proposal to reduce by 50-75%: should apply to 'total/ no 'green box',
'developing countries: no reduction if below 'de minimus' level',
'NAMA: why developing countries agreed to 'simple' Swiss formula',
'don't link detrmination of 'bound' rate to current applied rate',
'LDC's 'duty free' & 'quota free' access to developing countries!',
'special products (SP) & special safeguard mechanisms (SSM)',
Hong Kong Ministerial: aftermath',
'front loading of reductions in 'export subsidies' & AMS',
'developed countries: even 'miniscule' 20% reduction AMS not done over extended 10 years',
'export subsidies: commitment to eliminate by 2013 (as against 2010 indicated earlier)',
'why developing countries reconciled?'